Tim's Dream

Meet Tim

Tim is a strong, resilient, and caring 16-year-old from Lakewood, Colorado. Despite a freak circumstance quickly changing the course of his life, Tim’s positivity and love of life have never wavered and he faces his new challenges with optimism and hope!

Tim came down with an everyday virus which quickly took over his body and turned into osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone. Tim also developed septic shock as the infection took over both his knee and hip joints. After spending 2 months in-patient at the hospital to try to flush out the infection, Tim ultimately had to receive a hip replacement.

At the young age of 16 and with future growth, Tim is projected to have to go through several more hip replacements throughout his life as well as overcome the daily struggle of chronic pain and getting through daily life with assistance from others.

Tim is described as one of the most gracious and appreciative teens and is “content with little while deserving the world”! He has always loved football, especially the Seattle Seahawks, and being able to watch the team on TV with his family helped get him through his tough days of treatment.

We can’t wait to make Tim’s Dream of being a part of the Seattle Seahawk’s “12th Man” at a game come true!