Amari's Dream

Meet Amari

Amari Thompson is an endearing 11-year-old who lives with the daily challenges that autism presents, plus the additional challenges of living with Smith Magenis Syndrome, a developmental disorder that causes intellectual disabilities, delayed speech and motor skills, distinctive facial features, and sleep disturbances,

Despite those challenges, Amari has a great sense of humor and he loves basketball! He loves to watch old footage of the G.O.A.T., Michael Jordan, and he also loves the current King of the Court, LeBron James. Because of his affinity for the sport, he says he would love to be the VIP at a Davidson basketball game and have the chance to shoot hoops with the team.

When he’s not watching or playing basketball, you can find Amari swimming, playing on his iPad, or listening to music (especially Lil’ Baby). He dreams of one day being a firefighter, so he can save lives and help people. What a noble and wonderful career goal!

Last year the Davidson College Collegiate Dream Team made a fabulous dream come true for Davidson resident, Sean, and now they are DREAMING BIG to make Amari’s Dream come true!

Check out a recap of Amari’s Dream on our YouTube channel, linked here.