Juliette's Dream

Meet Juliette

Meet Juliette a lively 15-year-old from Birmingham, AL! This high school sophomore has a passion for all sports, but the one closest to her heart is Alabama Men’s Basketball. Juliette, aka J Money, is always shooting 3-pointers on the court!

Living with autism and an intellectual disability has never stopped her fun-loving personality from shining bright. Juliette is a great jokester and always makes everyone around her smile. If she is not on the basketball court, she can be found watching her favorite musicals or jamming out to Taylor Swift.

The University of Alabama Collegiate Dream Team has selected Juliette as their 2023 Dream recipient. The CDT will be working hard to ensure her dream to attend an Alabama Men’s Basketball game as a VIP guest comes true. She hopes to bring out her inner J Money as she yells out “Roll Tide” at a game!

Juliette's Dream

Juliette’s University of Alabama Dream was everything and more!

Friday started off with an intimate send off at Juliette’s grandmother’s house which included the Alabama Collegiate Dream Team. The first stop after the surprise was Coleman Coliseum for a behind the scenes look at the Alabama Women’s Basketball team practice. The team was incredibly welcoming and even included Juliette in the huddle at the end of practice where she was gifted lots of new Bama Basketball swag, including an autographed ball!

The day ended up a shopping spree at the bookstore, Chick-Fil-A and a PJ party with the CDT.

Saturday started strong with courtside seats to the Alabama Men’s Basketball vs. Texas A&M game where Juliette got to meet THE Nick Saban! The game itself was so much fun, with a score of 100 points just as the final buzzer went off! After the game, the crew was able to take a tour of the football stadium and even got to participate in the same hype walk that the players do on game days.

On Sunday, the team got together for a big breakfast at iconic Alabama spot, Rama Jama’s. After, the crew enjoyed the women’s basketball game in courtside seats! Juliette was recognized in game as the honorary captain, which she absolutely loved. The team watched what has been hailed as one of the most exciting games in Alabama Women’s Basketball history… a nail biter against rival Auburn, where Alabama ended up coming out on top in the fourth quarter! Roll Tide!

Before going their separate ways, the Bama CDT gifted Juliette a copy of “The Places You’ll Go” signed by all members of the CDT as a parting gift. Way to rock this Dream Experience from start to finish, Alabama Collegiate Dream Team!

Thank you our referral partner, The Exceptional Foundation, as well as to our National CDT sponsor, Volvo Construction Equipment North America, and Alabama Collegiate Dream Team Sponsor, RxBenefits.

Dream Snapshots

Thank you to our National Collegiate Dream Team Sponsor, Volvo Construction Equipment, and Alabama Collegiate Dream Team Sponsor, RX Benefits