Noah's Dream

Meet Noah

Meet Noah, He Has Fire In His Heart and Ice In His Blood! Noah Thompson is a 13-year-old from Charlotte, NC who eats, sleeps and breathes hockey. Noah has been playing hockey since he was old enough to stand on the ice and he has a very natural talent. In fact, the sport has been handed down from his father, once a goalie himself, to both Noah and his brother. Noah’s talent combined with his determination and focus took him to a travel team where he played goalie with the best hockey players of his age.

Two years ago Noah received some unexpected news. He was diagnosed with Epilepsy and in a blink of an eye, the course of his life changed. Noah has had to adopt many new behaviors including learning his seizure inducing triggers, keeping up with medicines, and facing other obstacles such as self-esteem issues, fear, and trouble with memory and concentration. As you might guess, Noah had to give up the travel team due to the physical intensity and now plays for a recreational league. He shared with us that sometimes he “feels off on the ice” and that means he might miss a drill and sit the bench, never easy moments for Noah.  Despite these new obstacles he is facing, Noah works very hard to keep a positive mindset.

Noah’s other interests are similar to other pre-teens, he loves pizza, video games, Star Wars and the occasional night out at Chili’s, his favorite restaurant. However, none of those come close to his love of hockey, he truly has ice in his blood! He would love to be a NHL goalie when he grows up because “it would be awesome!” Noah’s sports hero is Jonathan Quick, LA Kings Goaltender, because of his determination – “he just never gives up!” Noah has learned a lot about what it means to keep going even through challenging times. The team at Jeff Gordon’s Children’s Hospital, a DO3 referral partner, has rallied behind Noah and taught him the skills necessary to battle the Epilepsy. Right now, he is taking one day at a time and leaning on the love and support of the hospital staff and his family.

Noah’s sports Dream is to “meet Jonathan Quick with the LA Kings.”  His Dream Experience is being sponsored by Davco Roofing, a company that believes in making a difference in their community.

Dream Reels