Patrick's Dream

Meet Patrick

Meet Patrick, a sweet, energetic, and sports-loving 12-year-old from Broomfield, CO. Patrick is living with low grade glioma and epilepsy, but he doesn’t let anything stop his fun-loving attitude.

In early 2022, Patrick was playing in a basketball game when he suddenly stopped in the middle of the court, frozen and unresponsive for a few seconds. The next day, his doctor ordered an MRI and they realized not only had Patrick experienced a seizure, but he also had a tumor the size of a ping pong ball in his brain.

A few months later, Patrick traveled to Boston, MA to have brain surgery. After a tough rehab process, the tumors subsided. He is currently being treated for his seizures and is back in school playing all of his beloved sports that he has missed dearly!

Patrick loves playing, watching, and talking about all sports – but his ultimate sports dream is to attend the NBA All-Star Game because there’s “so many cool things to do and see all in one weekend!” Patrick has always looked up to many NBA athletes because of their drive and resilience.

Patrick is a shining example of how to have a positive mental attitude and how to continue to be a bright light to others while never losing enthusiasm and love of life. We can’t wait to make his dream of attending the NBA All-Star Game come true!

Patrick's Dream

Patrick’s NBA All Star Dream started off with a bang!

Patrick & his brother, Will, were pulled out of class and thought they were going to the dentist. Little did they know that a crowd of their family members, DO3 team members, & friends were waiting on a red carpet leading to a limo! Patrick was absolutely stunned when he saw the surprise and was told that the family was on their way to the Denver Nuggets game! And the excitement didn’t end there…Patrick was gifted a custom pair of Jordans made by our good friend Breanna Berry! Check out those kicks.

As the team arrived at the Westin, they were greeted with a hallway full of employees cheering them on to their fully decorated Presidential Suite! The boys felt like royalty. After settling in, it was time to attend the Nuggets game! The boys had the crew laughing the whole way there by pretending to be reporters and interviewing one another. Once we arrived, Adam Stowe from the Nuggets surprised everyone with a signed Jokic ball and courtside seats for warm ups! A big thank you to our friends at Kroenke Sports Charities for kicking off Patrick’s NBA All Star weekend in style.

With this crew, day two was just as exciting. Although it was a travel day, the team spent lots of time laughing and chatting about all of the exciting things ahead! Patrick was stopped multiple times by people asking to take photos, he felt like a total celebrity (which we think he is)! As we landed in Indy, the airport even had an NBA All Star basketball court inside where we stopped to take a few photos. As we made our way to the hotel, the boys were surprised by their grandparents, Papa & JoJo, who joined us for dinner! We enjoyed a wonderful steak dinner while all being dressed to impressed. As the night ended, the boys were eager to find out what was in store for today, so the team rested up to prepare for the fun!

Patrick’s NBA All Star Dream continued with “the best day ever!” in his words!

The morning kicked off with a quick breakfast before heading to the Indianapolis Zoo where we were greeted by the most amazing staff. Patrick & his brother, Will, got the opportunity to feed two beautiful Red Pandas named Nyima & Samson. The two of them loved it so much, that the wonderful staff took us inside the Kangaroo exhibit where the team got to feed and pet a bunch of kangaroos, including little Fern, a joey so young that she was carried in a pouch by the zookeeper!

Afterward at NBA 2K Alley, the boys designed glow in the dark t-shirts, played NBA 2k, and even got to meet some of their favorite gamers & YouTubers! The team then headed to The Sugar Factory where we felt like Willy Wonka & indulged in massive milkshakes with a whole slice of cake on top! Once we got our sugar rush, it was time to attend the NBA Raising All Star Game! We ended the night by talking about the schedule for the following day, which is now in the running for “best day ever!” according to Patrick!

Day four of Patrick’s NBA All Star Dream was full of fun!

The morning started with shooting some hoops during the All Star festivities before heading out to explore even more pre-game fun. The team competed in a quick round of duckpin bowling in the Day Time Champions lounge before venturing to the mall where Patrick & his brother, Will, raced animal carts, played tons of arcade games, and even had a family duel of laser tag before heading to the second championship club of the day, where the boys met NBA All Star, Mitch Richmond!

As we headed to the big All Star Saturday night event, the boys were absolutely pumped! From seeing their favorite stars, skills challenges, 3-point challenge, and even the BIG 3-point shootout between Sabrina Ionescu Steph Curry, which was the boys favorite! The family is massive Curry fans, so of course they shouted with every sunken shot!

The NBA Stars were the highlight of the night, but the boys were equally as thrilled to see Jake from State Farm in attendance helping out Shaq & other major stars! As the evening continued, Patrick & Will had the entire section laughing all night with their hilarious commentary & pure excitement.

Dream Snapshots

Thank you to Dream Sponsor, Northern Colorado United For Youth