Meet Jabron

Jabron Battle is an 11-year-old from Harrisburg, NC who has lived up to his name. He has courageously fought a health battle that landed him as a patient in Levine Children’s Hospital for 9 weeks. What started with some nausea and dizziness ended up being Demyelination (lesions) of the brain which is caused by a rare autoimmune disease. Jabron had to relearn how to talk and swallow, all while dealing with extreme nausea day in and day out. Through a strong family support system and unwavering faith, he has overcome those challenges with a smile on his face.

In order to stay motivated through the rehabilitation, Jabron modeled his mental state after his favorite athletes, the Dallas Cowboys. He has always been inspired by their drive to succeed and be their best and Jabron was able to put that into practice during his healing process. He surrounded himself with inspiration by decorating his hospital room with Cowboys gear – just like it is at home.

Jabron’s sports dream is to see a Dallas Cowboys game (preferably against the Carolina Panthers so he can talk trash with his dad!) from the 50-yard line and he’d like to get a ball signed. Growing up in a Panthers household, he has never been to Dallas to see a game. His family thought he would be a Panthers fan, but one day when Jabron was six years old, he returned his Panthers gear to his parents and declared that he was now a Cowboys fan. He’s been one ever since and his ultimate life goal is to play for the team one day.

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