Meet Dream Kid, Micah, a joyful and outgoing young man from Gates, NC! This energetic 19-year-old has a heart of a lion and a personality that is larger than life.
Last April, Micah was involved in an ATV accident, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. After the accident, he spent three months in a rehabilitation program at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Georgia. During his time in the program, he worked hard to optimize his recovery and overall independence.
Micah’s first love is football and he has played the game for as long as he can remember. Even at just 3-years-old, Micah’s family couldn’t keep him off the field! Unfortunately, Micah’s spinal cord injury prevented him from suiting up and joining his teammates during his senior year of high school.
Despite the challenges Micah has faced and the uphill battle he continues to climb, the smile on his face has not faded; it’s only grown wider. He contributes this to his faith along with seeking what God has in store for him next.
Visiting the Pro Football Hall of Fame, meeting legends of the game, and witnessing a new group of Hall of Famers enter their immortal home in Canton, Ohio would, without a doubt, be a dream come true for Micah. Thanks to amazing people like you who support the DO3 mission, we can’t wait to make Micah’s Dream come true!